The V3 Guided Segmental Plating System represents a progressive technique in cervical plating by giving surgeons the opportunity to treat each segment individually. This emerging approach combines the technical simplicity of “stand-alone” type devices with the benefits and integrity of conventional plate/cage constructs.

product overview
3 hole and 4 hole options available
Heights from 9mm to 17mm

1.5mm plate thickness
Up to 20 degrees of cephalad/caudal screw angulation
3.4mm variable and fixed screws
3.9mm rescue screw
12, 14, and 16mm lengths

The guided plate holder:
Eliminates the "fiddle" of chasing a plate
Simplifies alignment for multi-level constructs
Optimizes plate length to avoid adjacent levels
Plating offers better bone purchase and stability
No skiving into endplates
Less "fiddle" with difficult screw angles
Screws don't violate the graft area
A clear reimbursement pathway

Rasesh Desai, MD
Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Department
(Lexington, USA)
“Oftentimes we just accept the common obstacles we face during surgery. I didn’t fully appreciate how much fiddle there actually was with standard cervical plates until I tried this system. This method creates great synergy between construct integrity and simplicity.”